Saturday, October 15, 2011

Kimia Klinik

Kimia Klinik


gesan Chem 500 dilengkapi dengan dua lengan pengeluaran. Satu didedikasikan untuk sampel (plasma serum, urin dan CSF) dan yang lain yang didedikasikan untuk reagen.
Keduanya dilengkapi dengan sistem pra-pemanas untuk cair, sensor shock dan detektor cairan tingkat kapasitif.
Kedua lengan mengambil maksimal 7 detik untuk pengambilan sampel, pengeluaran dan kembali mencuci operasi.
Pemisahan antara cairan sampel dan solusi mencuci terjamin dengan menggunakan katup rocker elektro-mekanik untuk setiap lengan.
Cairan sirkuit yang terbuat dari Te kehidupan panjang pipa.

Distriutor alat kesehatan dan Laboratorium
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Healthcare & Laboratory Equipment Distribution

Gesan Chem 500


gesan Chem 500 is provided with two dispensing arms. One dedicated to sample (serum plasma, urine and CSF) and the other dedicated to reagents.
Both are equipped withe a pre-heater system for liquid, a shock sensor and a capacitive liquid level detector.
Both arms take a maximum of 7 second for sampling, dispensing and re-washing operations.
The separation between sampled liquid and washing solution is assured by the use of an electro-mechanical rocker valve for each arm.
Fluid circuits are made of long life Te on tubing.
For more Information Klik here

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Thursday, October 13, 2011

The Most Advanced Closed Vessel Microwave Digestion Syste

The ETHOS EZ represents the state of the art in closed vessel microwave digestion. Unmatched build quality and technology has resulted in the safest, most versatile, and highest performing system available. Superior vessel design, combined with more precise temperature control and the most powerful software delivers better digestion results than any other closed vessel system - whatever the sample type.
Ethos EZ Design
Ethos EZ Microwave Digestion Lab StationThe ETHOS EZ is the most technologically advanced and most rugged closed vessel microwave system available. Unlike other systems that are designed around an open steel frame inside a molded plastic cabinet, the ETHOS EZ features an 18/8 stainless steel cavity surrounded by a cabinet of solid 18/8 stainless steel, fitted with a heavy duty, spring mounted door for optimum operator safety and long operating lifetime. The door is hinged at the bottom to form a convenient loading platform. The door and cavity have a multi-layer PTFE plasma coating, applied at 350°C, with a 5 year warranty against corrosion.
Installed microwave power is 1200W which is delivered via a unique diffuser with mode stirrer which insures even distribution of microwave power, eliminating localized hot and cold spots. As a result, samples are heated evenly, giving a more consistent digestion.To achieve the shortest run times, fast cooling of the vessels is very important: in the EZ, a heavy duty cooling system draws a high airflow over the vessels and out to exhaust to minimize cool down time.
Unlike other systems, the user control electronics and user display have been moved out of the mainframe into a separate control module, protecting them from corrosion caused by acid vapor.
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Microwave Digestion Capabilities Simplify Sample Prep Workflow

Milestone's UltraWAVE brings new capabilities in microwave digestion to the routine lab, reducing labor cost, increasing throughput and simplifying the sample prep workflow. The instrument features Single Reaction Chamber (SRC) technology in a fully automated, compact benchtop package, making it suited for the challenges faced by today's busy lab.

Microwave Digestion Capabilities Simplify Sample Prep WorkflowInstead of using an individual, closed reaction vessel for each sample, the instrument features a large, pressurized reaction chamber, the SRC. All samples are placed simultaneously in the SRC for microwave digestion under high temperature and pressure conditions. Identical digestion conditions are used for all samples, which allows any combination of sample types to be digested in the same run, using standard glass autosampler vials. For example, consumer products, nutraceuticals and polymer samples are digested simultaneously, greatly increasing the productivity of labs. Benefits of the instrument with SRC technology include elimination of reaction vessel assembly/disassembly steps and simple sample loading. A sample rack holds 15 x 15mL vials, and disposable glass or reusable quartz vials are used. The instrument has an automated chamber closure and opening, and operator time is reduced by up to 4x.

Minimal sample handling reduces risk of contamination. Different sample matrices can be digested in the same run, and difficult samples are digested more completely. With the instrument, smaller amounts of acid are used and reaction vessel consumable costs are eliminated. The instrument removes the limitations of conventional closed vessel microwave digestion and makes sample preparation more efficient.
Milestone Inc.
25 Controls Dr.
Shelton CT 06484
Phone: 203-925-4240
Fax: 203-925-4241
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Centrifuge Accepts Range of Tubes

Centrifuge Accepts Range of Tubes

Centrifuge Accepts Range of TubesThe Allegra X-14, a 3 L benchtop centrifuge from Beckman Coulter, accepts a variety of tubes and adapters to provide reliable performance in a range of applications. Refrigerated and constant-temperature models are offered individually or in pre-bundled packages that provide everything needed for quick set-up in the laboratory.

With a fixed-angle rotor, the centrifuge provides a maximum speed of 10,200 rpm and delivers rcf of 11,400 X g. Swinging-bucket rotors can achieve a maximum speed of 4,300 rpm and rcf of 4,300 X g and, utilizing a selection of tubes, bottles and plates, can accommodate a range of sample types and volumes. Depending on rotor and labware, the centrifuge can process as many as 148 tubes/cycle.

The refrigerated model offers a temperature range of 2 to 40 C, and features a robust cooling system that brings samples from room temperature to 4 C in <4 min, reducing wait time and enabling runs to be processed efficiently. The constant-temperature model is pre-set to 20 C.

The units can be equipped with ARIES Smart Balance rotor technology, which automatically detects and corrects sample-load imbalances of up to 50 g. This saves time by easing sample prep requirements, eliminating mid-run interruptions and reducing wear by correcting imbalances before damage can occur.

The centrifuges are offered with pre-bundled rotor and adapter combinations in application packages for cell culture, microplate runs, blood sample processing and work with hazardous samples. Additionally, BioCertified rotors, covers and canisters are tested to ensure that potentially harmful aerosols are contained.
Beckman Coulter, Inc.
4300 N. Harbor Blvd., P.O. Box 3100
Fullerton CA 92834
Fax: 800-643-4366
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Hematology Analyzer

Convergys X5

Convergys® X5 is one of the high-end models of Convergent-Technologies Haematology Analyzers range. The Convergys® X5 offers an optimal solution for hospitals, clinics and practices, which require a high
throughput 24 parameter analyzer with laser based optical measuring technology for precise and accurate 5-part differential results.


• 24 parameter 5-part WBC differential
• Laser scatter technology
• 100 µl of whole blood sample
• 60 tests / hour

Convergys®X5 features:
• 24 Parameters including 5 part optical Laser scatter technology method for 5-part WBC differential impedance method for CBC: WBC (80 μm), RBC and PLT (70 μm) , impedance method for
standard CBC parameters
• Parameters: CBC+5 Diff mode (24 parameters) – 2 histograms: RBC,PLT; 2 scattergrams: 4 diff, BASO; WBC, LYM, MON, NEU, BAS, EOS (LYM%, MON%, NEU%, BAS%, EOS%), RBC, MCV, MCH, MCHC, HGB, HCT, RDW sd/cv, PLT, MPV, PDW sd/cd, PCT
• Light absorbance for HGB measurement
• diagnostic fl agging
• fully automated sample-handling, measurement, clogprevention
• Convergent Cyanide free reagent system
• Sample volume: 100 μl whole blood
• Sampling method: open closed tube sampling, optional autosampler
• Calibration: Manual and Automatic modes, specifi c control material, external reference – optional
• Quality Control: Separate QC database, Levey-Jennings Charts
• User interface: color touch screen, 600x800 pixels
• Data management: results stored and displayed with histograms, internal database, integrated QC programs
• Data transfer: USB ports, RS232 port, Ethernet
• Data storage: up to 100.000 records
• Printer: external
• Keyboard: optional PS/2 or USB
• Reagent sensing: Yes
• Clog prevention: Yes
• Auto-sampler: Factory option, for closed sample tubes with integrated bar-code reader and sample mixer
Read More … Hematology Analyzer

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